Tuesday, October 11, 2011

What has been going on????

It has been a seriously long time since I wrote anything here. Much has happened in that time. I have even been to England again - with pretty much the same results as last time. Seems to be a pattern. I was even more glad to return to the USA this time. Perhaps I have been cured of my homesickness at last.

I have a job, though not a secure one. Pays the bills for now - that is all that matters. I like my job I must admit, so will be sorry if it should end. I will miss the money of course.....

I am thinking about turning this blog into a daily account of my job as it is most amusing at times... we shall see how it goes. Today's highlight was perhaps moving forward with our move into the space next to where we work - this has been discussed since January 2011. It is now becoming a bit like the Second Coming - no one knows exactly when it will happen, there have been a few predictions - all false. And so we wait and watch for the signs....

A close second to the highlight of the day was a series of bleeps and then the doors locked and our swipe cards would not work - oh joy! Eventually after a few more bleeps we were able to once more freely roam the National Archives.

Can't wait for tomorow's events! Just have to survive the daily battle with the I85 south