Friday, May 15, 2009


Adjusting to a totally different diet is always an adventure mixed with interest and often a goal in mind. I guess I have all these things in place in my experience; however usually a change in diet occurs when one feels ready to make a change. In my case I have had this forced on me.... I was not ready for this and I am currently not liking it!!

I constantly long for something to eat that I used to enjoy. At least the unpleasant taste in my mouth seems to be disappearing - so that is something.

My day to day exisistence has not changed much since my last entry - I still wait with anticipation to know if I am going to get through the day without an attack or if I will wake with one - puts a whole new meaning on the Snoopy's 'I hate mornings' pillowcase that I had for years.

I have been feeling somewhat angry about it all - it seems to be getting no better and the noise in my ears is unbearable at times. I want my life back and I do not know how to get it back. I have been keeping to the diet, been taking the medication, yet there seems to be little or no change. I am sooo tired, lethargic and despondent - all part and parcel of the illness I know, yet it offers little comfort.

The other night I determined to cook myself a 'decent' meal of chicken, baked potato and green beans. I discovered with joy that I can have two tablespoons of sweeet and sour sauce - yipee!! 

So after taking a while carefully cooking it all, adding pineapple, carrots, tomatoes - oh yum yum, I take it to the table. After a few mouthfuls the room begins to spin - oh great - do I try and eat the rest, will I be throwing back up in a moment, will the spinning stop if I sit back for a moment - all these questions run through my mind. But I am hungry and I want the food. In the end I concede defeat and lay down. Thankfully I fall alseep almost immediately. I wake up after what I think has been five minutes - in reality I have been asleep two hours. I feel a lot better now, so I go back to my meal and eat!!

I have been spending my time trawling the internet looking for recipes to cook things and making a list of things I need to look for in the shops that will enable me to safely cook and eat versions of things other people take for granted. I find it odd that it seems that in the UK I would be able to cope with this diet a darn sight better because there are a lot of low sodium foods there. I am sure I recall low sodium corned beef - a product I like and use a fair amount. Baked Beans too - though goodness only knows what they taste like!

So - I have to get on with this diet change - like it or not. I am even going to stop eating chocolate in case that is causing me a problem also. I seem to feel better in the afternoon so am taking my medicine earlier in the evening so that maybe I will be able to wake up in the morning. Next week I am going shopping and looking for the things on my list and I will be trying to make bread.....

I am going to succeed and achieve the things I need and want to. I am relying on Heavenly Father to help me like he did last year when I was sick. But I know I need to put the effort in and show willing first!

Adjustment???? No big deal...... with the right attitude

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