Thursday, May 7, 2009

Je ne sais quoi

Many people have said to me over the years that I should write a book about my life. I usually respond that I am not too good at writing or essays or that sort of thing according to an english teacher at my senior school - but what would she know?? Then of course there is the argument - well who would want to read it anyway???

Maybe the best thing to do is write on a daily basis something that I am thinking about, have seen or heard. I enjoy reading other people's thoughts on their blogs, so maybe I might give someone some enjoyment somewhere...

I also thought it might be a good idea to record what happens to me on a daily basis healthwise as I apparently have Meniere's Disease. But I must be careful this does not turn into a boring catalogue of symptoms....

I am not too impressed to be diagnosed with this and would rather not have it. I keep reading info on the internet trying to find some evidence that the diagnosis is wrong and I do not have it. But I am failing miserably and it seems I must bow to the superior knowledge of an ENT doctor.

The big problem with Meniere's disease is that it affects everyone differently and the response to treatment varies enormously. They also don't know what causes it and it cannot be cured. They know that with some people there are certain triggers and it is down to the sufferer to determine what these are and avoid them. But once you have awakened the beast so to speak, the symptoms take a while to go away and many other things, although not the original triggers, may aggravate and prolong the symptoms. In my case, I think the trigger was prolonged travelling in a car - a 7,000 mile round trip across america and then a trip to Washington DC. I have yet to discover what is prolonging it....

It seems the french doctors of old were fairly clever as they discovered two of the chronic conditions and illnesses within my immediate family. My youngest son has Ollier's disease. Louis Ollier and Prosper Meniere lived about the same time in the 1800's - maybe they even knew each other. Unfortunately, although they both discovered and put a name to these illnesses, it would appear they were unable to find a cure. Maybe they both had nagging spouses who resented their time spent in medical research and they consequently gave up on any further investigation, happy in the knowledge that their names would live on long after they had gone.

Anyway I have been ill now for three weeks or more and am thoroughly bored with it all. The noises and pressure in my ear are unbearable at times and make it difficult to hear and identify more than one sound. Background noises of everyday living are more noticeable and I long for peace and quiet. At least the violent vertigo with its accompanying unsociable symptoms have ceased. But I live in constant dread of it returning without warning and being out somewhere on my own and people thinking I am drunk or something. The severe vertigo has been very scary when it happens and although it sounds over dramatic, you feel as if you are going to die.

I am on a trial treatment for a month with a diuretic pill to relieve the build up of fluid in my ear and as this causes a loss of potassium from the body, I have to compensate by eating bananas or other potassium rich foods. I also have some tablets to relieve nausea and I must also go on a low sodium diet. This is good I guess as my blood pressure is up too.

Soon I will not be able to eat anything!! I am already on a low fat diet because I have no gall bladder. I can't have anything with artificial colouring in because I break out in a rash, have violent nightmares and become generally bad tempered and snappy. I don't drink tea, coffee,coke, alcohol or smoke because of religious reasons - which incidentally I would now have to give up anyway. I have to cut down, if not avoid, chocolate altogether. No more processed food, preserved foods, salty peanuts, crisps,fizzy drinks, cheese except swiss if I must have cheese,ham,bacon,soy sauce or that well known flavour enhancer - monosodium that's means no chinese food!!

But I can eat anything I prepare myself providing I don't use salt and as much fresh fruit,veg and meat as I like - yummy.

I spent two hours at Walmart reading labels and finding low or no salt alternatives to what I eat.Was interesting to say the least - I did not realise there was so much salt in everything we eat.

The one good result from all of this is that I have lost weight and am almost back to the weight I was when I arrived in the USA last September.

Every night I go to bed hoping that my ear will be better in the morning and praying that the vertigo does not return. I have an unpleasant taste in my mouth the whole time and feel very tired most of the time.

The timing of all this could not be worse - I need to get a job and pass my driving test. I have been waiting for months to get my permit to work and my Social Security number. Meniere's disease decided to arrive the same week as my permit and SSN.

It is almost like history repeating itself - when I got married in 1977 I became very ill and had to have my gall bladder removed in 1978. I got married again in 2008 and now a few months later I am quite ill and am considering having my head removed......

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