Monday, May 18, 2009


Truth - is it fact, evidence, reality, knowledge, proof, witness?  I guess it is all these things.

I realise today that I seem to be still in the I feel sorry for myself mode and do not know what to do for the best. I have several solutions in front of me, but none seem to fit entirely. I guess I feel frustrated more than anything - so maybe I am not being truthful with myself. 

My current 'frustration' seems to follow a pattern - I either wake with it or it strikes round about 5 - 6pm. The noise in my ear never seems to go away - it just increases in intensity and to such a volume that I am sure everyone around me can also hear it. The deafness or clogged feeling in my ear does not seem to go away completely either - just varies from day to day and I get momentary relief if I stick my finger in my ear for a while..... nothing further needs to be said about that solution.....

My appetite has improved slightly, except now I want things I ought to avoid - a large slice of moist  warm chocolate cake with a rich creamy ice cream would go down a treat..... I wish fruit was not so expensive - could just eat a bag of cherries.

Although I love living here - I long for the things I left behind - sausage and chips, satsumas, galaxy chocolate, mint chocolate, heinz stuff, tomato relish, decent bacon in a bacon butty, Uncle Ben Sauces, Australian ginger beer, Shloer, Alprosoy products, Innocent Smoothies.... must stop - it is making me feel depressed... lol

But my weight is still good...... still losing a little every day I think
Thing is, I know that if I went back home, I would not be able to eat half of those things anyway.....

So in my case truth is reality - my life has changed - like it or not - it has changed.... just need to accept it and move on!!

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